
Statement 1:

The honeybee queen copulates only once in her life time.

Statement 2:

The honeybee queen can lay fertilized as well as unfertilized eggs.


Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1


Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1


Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False


Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True

Question ID - 494 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Statement 1:

The honeybee queen copulates only once in her life time.

Statement 2:

The honeybee queen can lay fertilized as well as unfertilized eggs.


Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1


Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1


Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False


Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -


Honeybee shows both sexual and asexual (parthenogenesis) reproduction. Diploid  fertilized egg give rise to queen and workers and unfertilized haploid  produce meles or drone. The queen mates only once in her life time. The sperms stored in her spermatheca fertilize her eggs as long as she live.

127 votes