
Which one of the following statements about bar magnet is correct?


The pole strength of the north-pole of a bar magnet is larger than that of the south-pole


When a piece of bar magnet is bisected perpendicular to its axis, the north and south pole get separated


When a piece of bar magnet is bisected perpendicular to its axis two new for magnets are formed


The poles of a bar magnet are unequal in magnit and opposite in nature

Question ID - 50431 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Which one of the following statements about bar magnet is correct?


The pole strength of the north-pole of a bar magnet is larger than that of the south-pole


When a piece of bar magnet is bisected perpendicular to its axis, the north and south pole get separated


When a piece of bar magnet is bisected perpendicular to its axis two new for magnets are formed


The poles of a bar magnet are unequal in magnit and opposite in nature

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (c) -

When a piece of bar magnet is bisected perpendicular to its axis two new for magnets are formed

127 votes