
The radius of a circle is 20% more than the height of a right-angled triangle. The base of the triangle is 36 cm. If the area of triangle and circle be equal, what will be the area of a circle?


72 cm2


128 cm2


144 cm2


216 cm2

Question ID - 50531 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The radius of a circle is 20% more than the height of a right-angled triangle. The base of the triangle is 36 cm. If the area of triangle and circle be equal, what will be the area of a circle?


72 cm2


128 cm2


144 cm2


216 cm2

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

Let the height of the triangle be   cm.


Radius = 120% of  cm.




Radius =  cm.


Area =

127 votes