
The mean monthly salary paid to graduating MBA class of a management institute is Rs. 16000. The mean monthly salary paid to students with work experience is Rs. 18000. The corresponding figure for the students without any work experience is Rs.  12000. Determine the percentage of students with work experience  and those without any work experience in the class.

(a) 66.67%, 33.33%               (b) 33.33%, 66,67%            (c) 75%, 25%           (d) 25%, 75%

Question ID - 50927 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The mean monthly salary paid to graduating MBA class of a management institute is Rs. 16000. The mean monthly salary paid to students with work experience is Rs. 18000. The corresponding figure for the students without any work experience is Rs.  12000. Determine the percentage of students with work experience  and those without any work experience in the class.

(a) 66.67%, 33.33%               (b) 33.33%, 66,67%            (c) 75%, 25%           (d) 25%, 75%

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

Let the number of students will work experience be  and those without work experience be


∴ Percentage of students with work experience =

Percentage of students without work experience = 

127 votes