The denominator of a fraction is 1 more than its numerator. If 2 is deducted from the numerator and 2 is added to the denominator, the fraction becomes 0.5. The numerator of fraction is |
a) |
5 |
b) |
6 |
c) |
7 |
d) |
8 |
The denominator of a fraction is 1 more than its numerator. If 2 is deducted from the numerator and 2 is added to the denominator, the fraction becomes 0.5. The numerator of fraction is |
a) |
5 |
b) |
6 |
c) |
7 |
d) |
8 |
Take the option and assume the fraction
(a) take fraction = ≠
(b) take fraction = ≠
(c) take fraction = =