
Consider the given plot of enthalpy of the following reaction between A and B.

  A+B C +D. Identify the incorrect statement.

(a) Activation enthalpy to form C is kJ mol−1 less than that to form D

(b) D is kinetically stable product

(c) Formation of A and B from C has highest enthalpy of activation

(d) C is the thermodynamically stable product enthalpy

Question ID - 52649 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Consider the given plot of enthalpy of the following reaction between A and B.

  A+B C +D. Identify the incorrect statement.

(a) Activation enthalpy to form C is kJ mol−1 less than that to form D

(b) D is kinetically stable product

(c) Formation of A and B from C has highest enthalpy of activation

(d) C is the thermodynamically stable product enthalpy

1 Answer
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Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

Activation enthalpy to form C is 5kj more than that to form D.

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