
The correct  statements among I to II are

(I) Valance bond theory cannot explain the color exhibited by transition metal complexes.

(II) Valance bond theory can predict quantitatively the magnetic properties of transition metal complexes.

(III) Valances bond theory cannot distinguish ligands as weak and strong field ones.


(II) and (III) only


(I), (II) and (III)


(I) and (II) only


(I) and (III) only

Question ID - 52662 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The correct  statements among I to II are

(I) Valance bond theory cannot explain the color exhibited by transition metal complexes.

(II) Valance bond theory can predict quantitatively the magnetic properties of transition metal complexes.

(III) Valances bond theory cannot distinguish ligands as weak and strong field ones.


(II) and (III) only


(I), (II) and (III)


(I) and (II) only


(I) and (III) only

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -

Valance bond theory cannot predict quantitatively the magnetic properties of transition metal complex.

127 votes