
Consider merit pay for teachers, schools face constant pressure to change their management approaches to improve performance, which is usually assessed by standardised reading, maths and science scores. In most schools, teacher’s pay is determined by seniority, years of total teaching experience and credentials. Pay is rarely based on performance, which is contrary to the belief among parents and private sector. Parents and business leaders lament that there are no carrots/sticks used to motive teachers. Consequently, there has been greater push to implement some form of merit pay to improve motivation.

Which of the following statements will disprove the claim of the parents and business leaders?

(a) A recent study suggested that teachers are self-motivated

(b) learning cannot be measured reliably and accurately by a test given once a year

(c) teaching is a solo-activity, there is little interdependence with other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in school

(d)none of the above      

Question ID - 53361 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Consider merit pay for teachers, schools face constant pressure to change their management approaches to improve performance, which is usually assessed by standardised reading, maths and science scores. In most schools, teacher’s pay is determined by seniority, years of total teaching experience and credentials. Pay is rarely based on performance, which is contrary to the belief among parents and private sector. Parents and business leaders lament that there are no carrots/sticks used to motive teachers. Consequently, there has been greater push to implement some form of merit pay to improve motivation.

Which of the following statements will disprove the claim of the parents and business leaders?

(a) A recent study suggested that teachers are self-motivated

(b) learning cannot be measured reliably and accurately by a test given once a year

(c) teaching is a solo-activity, there is little interdependence with other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in school

(d)none of the above      

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

A recent study suggested that teachers are self-motivated.

127 votes