
Study the information carefully and answer the question below. An electronic device, when Fed with the numbers, rearranges the numbers in a particular order following certain rules. The following is step by step process of rearrangements for the given input of numbers.


75     9    312   55   16   61

Step I

312   9    75     55   16   61

Step II

312  75    9      55   16   61

Step III

312  75   61     55  16    9

For the given input step III is the last step.

Input ‘177 390  85  188  522  765’. What will be the last step for this input?









Question ID - 53467 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Study the information carefully and answer the question below. An electronic device, when Fed with the numbers, rearranges the numbers in a particular order following certain rules. The following is step by step process of rearrangements for the given input of numbers.


75     9    312   55   16   61

Step I

312   9    75     55   16   61

Step II

312  75    9      55   16   61

Step III

312  75   61     55  16    9

For the given input step III is the last step.

Input ‘177 390  85  188  522  765’. What will be the last step for this input?









1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (a) -

Step I - the largest number comes at the first from left interchanging with its replacing number

Step II - the 2nd largest number comes at the second position from left and remaining lines towards right

Step III - the 3rd smallest number comes at the 3rd position from left and remaining lines towards right. Further steps will be obtained in the same manner till all the words gets arranged in ascending order.

By applying above rules for given input, we get, last step IV.

127 votes