
The difference between the present age of Arun and Deepak is 14 years, seven years ago, the ratio of their ages was 5:7 respectively. What is Deepak’s present age?


35 yrs.


42 yrs.


49 yrs.


56 yrs.

Question ID - 54354 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

The difference between the present age of Arun and Deepak is 14 years, seven years ago, the ratio of their ages was 5:7 respectively. What is Deepak’s present age?


35 yrs.


42 yrs.


49 yrs.


56 yrs.

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -

Let the ages of Arun and Deepak 7 yrs. age be and 7 respectively.

Arun’s present age =  yrs., Deepak’s present age =  yrs.

 = 14

Deepak’s present age =  yrs.

127 votes