
 flowers only during long days while N. tobacum flowers only during short days. If raised in the laboratory under different photoperiods, they can be induced to flower at the same time and can be cross fertilized to produce self-fertile offspring.

What is the best reason for considering N. sylvestris and N.tobacum to be separate species?


They are physiologically distinct


They are morphologically distinct


They cannot interbreed in nature


They are reproductively distinct

Question ID - 5484 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

 flowers only during long days while N. tobacum flowers only during short days. If raised in the laboratory under different photoperiods, they can be induced to flower at the same time and can be cross fertilized to produce self-fertile offspring.

What is the best reason for considering N. sylvestris and N.tobacum to be separate species?


They are physiologically distinct


They are morphologically distinct


They cannot interbreed in nature


They are reproductively distinct

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


Biological concept of species says that only the members of a species can breed freely in nature to produce fertile offsprings. The plant tobacco (Nicotiana) has two different species, Nicotiana tobaccum and Nicotiana sylvestris. These two species cannot reproduce freely.

127 votes