
Diagram  and  indicate the shape of leaves in larkspur and buttercup respectively, choose the correct option


The juvenile and adult leaf of larkspur differ in size due to genetic and plant growth regulator factors


Both leaf of buttercup differ in size due to genetic and intercellular factors


Both larkspur and buttercup leaf size variation is due to habitat plasticity


None of the above

Question ID - 5498 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Diagram  and  indicate the shape of leaves in larkspur and buttercup respectively, choose the correct option


The juvenile and adult leaf of larkspur differ in size due to genetic and plant growth regulator factors


Both leaf of buttercup differ in size due to genetic and intercellular factors


Both larkspur and buttercup leaf size variation is due to habitat plasticity


None of the above

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (b) -


Diagram (A) is showing the heterophylly in larkspur showing, different shapes in leaves of the some plants due to difference in the maturity, i.e., at juvenile and at adult phase respectively.

Diagram (B) is showing heterophylly in buttercup, difference in shape of leaves of the same plant in different environment (R) terrestrial and water habitat, respectively

127 votes