
Read the following statements

 : An object shall weigh more at pole than at equator when weighed by using a physical balance

 : It shall weigh the same at pole and equator when weighed by using a physical balance

 : It shall weigh the same at pole and equator when weighed by using a spring balance

 : It shall weigh more at the pole than at equator when weighed using a spring balance

Which of the above statements is/are correct









Question ID - 55037 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Read the following statements

 : An object shall weigh more at pole than at equator when weighed by using a physical balance

 : It shall weigh the same at pole and equator when weighed by using a physical balance

 : It shall weigh the same at pole and equator when weighed by using a spring balance

 : It shall weigh more at the pole than at equator when weighed using a spring balance

Which of the above statements is/are correct









1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


 is correct because whatever be the , the same force is acting on both the pans. Using a spring balance, the value of  is greater at the pole. Therefore  at the pole is greater.  is correct.  and  are correct

127 votes