
Consider the following statements about the connective tissue

I. Their special function is linking and supporting the other organs tissue of the body

II. It is the most abundant type of animal tissue

III. Blood is a specialised connective tissue which contains collagen

IV. The cells of connective tissue secretes mucous

Which of the statement given above are incorrect?


I and II


II and III


III and IV


I, II, III and IV

Question ID - 556 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Consider the following statements about the connective tissue

I. Their special function is linking and supporting the other organs tissue of the body

II. It is the most abundant type of animal tissue

III. Blood is a specialised connective tissue which contains collagen

IV. The cells of connective tissue secretes mucous

Which of the statement given above are incorrect?


I and II


II and III


III and IV


I, II, III and IV

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (c) -


Specialised connective tissues includes cartilage, bone, adipose and blood. In all connective tissues, except blood the cells secretes collagen. Blood’s a fluid connective tissue containing plasma, RBCs and WBCs. Cells of connective tissues secretes fibres of structural proteins called collagen or elastin. This fibres provides strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissues

127 votes