
Identify the characters with reference to the plant in which eight nucleated embryo sac was first studied by strasburger.

I – Micropyle, chalaza and funiculus are arranged in the same vertical line

      In the ovule.                                        

II – presence of both unisexual and bisexual flowers in the same plant.

III – Filiform apparatus helps in conduction of food materials from 

         Endosperm to egg apparatus.

IV – Long funiculus coils like a watch spring around the ovule.          


 I and IV


II and III


I and II


III and IV

Question ID - 6348 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Identify the characters with reference to the plant in which eight nucleated embryo sac was first studied by strasburger.

I – Micropyle, chalaza and funiculus are arranged in the same vertical line

      In the ovule.                                        

II – presence of both unisexual and bisexual flowers in the same plant.

III – Filiform apparatus helps in conduction of food materials from 

         Endosperm to egg apparatus.

IV – Long funiculus coils like a watch spring around the ovule.          


 I and IV


II and III


I and II


III and IV

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (c) -


Strasburger (1879) first time described Polygonum type of embryo sac on Polygonum divaricum. Orthotropous ovule is found in Polygonum. It is the simplest and primitive type, in which micropyle, chalaza and funiculus lie in one vertical plane.

127 votes