Given ahead is an incomplete table about certain hormones, as their source glands and one major effect of body in humans. Identify the correct option for the three blanks A, B and C
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
Given ahead is an incomplete table about certain hormones, as their source glands and one major effect of body in humans. Identify the correct option for the three blanks A, B and C
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
Ovary is the primary female sex organ that produce the female gamete (ovum) and several steroid hormones (ovarian hormone). The two steroid hormone produced by ovary are oestrogen and progesterone. Oesetrogens produce wide range of action such as stimulation of growth and activities of female secondary sex organs, of growing ovarian follicles, appearance of female secondary sex characters ( high pitch of voice, etc.) mammary gland development. Oestrogens also regulate female sexual behavior.
Alpha cells of islets of Langerhans of the endocrine pancrease secrete a peptide hormone called glucagon. It plays an important role in maintaining the normal blood glucose levels. It acts mainly on the liver cells (hepatocytes) and stimulates glucogenolysis resulting in an increased blood sugar (hyperglycemia). In addition this hormone stimulates the process of gluconeogensis which also contributes to hyperglycemia. Glucagon reduces the cellular glucose uptake and utilization.Thus, glucagon is a hyperglycemic hormone. The pars distalis region of pituitary, commonly called anterior pituitary, secretes Growth Hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), Thyroid stimulating Hormone (TSH), adrenocotrophic Hormone (ACTH), Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Over secretion of GH stimulates abnormal growth of the body leading to gigantism and low secretion of GH results in stunted growth resulting in pituitary dwarfism.