The superior portion of the uterus is |
a) |
Body |
b) |
Cervix |
c) |
Fundus |
d) |
Infundibulum |
The superior portion of the uterus is |
a) |
Body |
b) |
Cervix |
c) |
Fundus |
d) |
Infundibulum |
Superior region (which is somewhat rounded in shape) of uterus is called fundus
1. Infundibulum 1. Perimetrium
It is the opening of Outer thin covering
fallopian tube found of uterus wall
near to ovaries
2. Fimbriae 2. Myometrium
Finger like projection Middle thick layer or
for collecting ovum uterus wall
near to ovaries
3. Ampulla 3. Endometrium
Infundibulum leads Inner layer of uterus that
to the wider contains glands and many
part of oviduct blood vesels
4. Isthmus
Last part of oviduct
having a narrow
lumen which joins
the uterus