…A… is composed of endoderm inside and splanchonopleuric extraembryonic mesoderm outside. In humans it is small and non-functional except for …B… to placenta. A and B in the statement refers to |
a) |
A-Allantois; B-blood vessel |
b) |
A- Blood vessel; B- allantois |
c) |
A-Amnion; B-amniotic cavity |
d) |
A-Endoderm; B-ectoderm |
…A… is composed of endoderm inside and splanchonopleuric extraembryonic mesoderm outside. In humans it is small and non-functional except for …B… to placenta. A and B in the statement refers to |
a) |
A-Allantois; B-blood vessel |
b) |
A- Blood vessel; B- allantois |
c) |
A-Amnion; B-amniotic cavity |
d) |
A-Endoderm; B-ectoderm |
In in vitro fertilization, the zygote or early embryos upto 8 blastomeres are transferred into the fallopian tube. If the embryo is more then 8 blastomeres then it is transferred into uterus called as IUD.