Which of the following set of organisms reproduce by fragmentation (asexual mode of reproduction)? |
a) |
Amoeba, fungi and earthworm |
b) |
Fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses |
c) |
Hydra, fungi, Amoeba and bacteria |
d) |
Earthworm, bacteria and fungi |
Which of the following set of organisms reproduce by fragmentation (asexual mode of reproduction)? |
a) |
Amoeba, fungi and earthworm |
b) |
Fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses |
c) |
Hydra, fungi, Amoeba and bacteria |
d) |
Earthworm, bacteria and fungi |
(b) Reproduction by fragmentation can be best observed in protonema of mosses, filamentous algae and in the fungi |