
Key Components of the LinkedIn profile that you should Optimize for better Exposure and Engagement - Key Components of the LinkedIn profile that you should Optimize for better Exposure and Engagement - SaraNextGen [2024-2025]

Updated By SaraNextGen
On April 24, 2024, 11:35 AM

Key Components of the LinkedIn profile that you should Optimize for better Exposure and Engagement

LinkedIn is one of most sought out platform for B2B leadgeneration and Career growth. Today we are going to highlight some of the key components that have to be optimized for prospecting better in generating leads for the company or for getting a job.

  • In this article, I am going to cover the key components that you should optimize for B2B professional networking and build trust and credibility. You might think "Why you should optimize" - Because LinkedIn is one of the most powerful professional networking platforms for B2B leads and opportunities.

  • The content is prepared purely based on my experience and understanding of each sections impact over your profile. I have been observing lead generation professionals targeting with irrelevant profiles. This article shall help you in optimizing your profile and improving prospect engagement thereby generating more leads.

  • Key Components include: Profile Picture -

  • Always use a photo that blends with your career/core profession. The first impression will always be your profile picture. A picture can showcase your professional activities. The Ideal Profile Picture size is 400 x 400 Pixels and file size 8 MB maximum.

  • Headline -

  • Having "Designation at Company" is not an ideal headline, create your headline relevant to your objective. Using career/skills related keywords will fetch your profile more exposure and engagement. The characters limit - 120.

  • Profile About Section -

  • This is a section which will help you in expressing what and who you are. This will give you an opportunity to elaborate more on your objectives, professional goals, achievements, accomplishments, and professional experience. The character limit - 2,000.

  • Don't just dump the entire story in a single para rather use spaces, bullet points, and sub-headings. You can add bullet points by pressing Alt+0149 for Windows users with keyboards having number pad and Alt+8 for Mac users. I would recommend giving any call to action information such as contact information, third party and social media links. You can add documents related to your professional growth.

  • Professional Experience -

  • Describe your major responsibilities in your role. Use bullet points for listing the responsibility and add relevant documents such as presentations, photos, and videos. Incorporate information related to tools and technics used during your tenure at the organization. The character limit for Experience Title is 100 and Description is 2,000.

  • Education Background -

  • Displaying education background help you in expanding your network through your alumni. Use this section to elaborate more on the skills you have acquired and the projects you have worked on.

  • Certification and Licenses -

  • Learning new tools and technics is part of our regular activities. Always try to up-skill with some certifications and use them to showcase your skills.

  • Professional Skills and Endorsements -

  • Having skills relevant to your profile and getting endorsements improves your credibility in a specific area of expertise.

  • Recommendations -

  • Getting a recommendation from your superiors and peers shall increase your reputation and credibility to your professional experience. Skills endorsements and recommendations are interlinked and if you receive recommendation on the skills you have been endorsed then your reputation and credibility score would step up.

  • Accomplishments (if any) -

  • This section helps you to showcase any accomplishments you have achieved during your educational or professional period.

  • Note: Always keep in mind to use relevant keywords across all the section. These keywords showcase your technical skills, soft skills, expertise, domain, etc.

  • If I miss anything please provide them in the comments below or direct message me, I would be happy to take any feedback and improve the content accordingly.

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