
5 ways to Design an Office in your Home that will inspire Productivity - 5 ways to Design an Office in your Home that will inspire Productivity - SaraNextGen [2024-2025]

Updated By SaraNextGen
On April 24, 2024, 11:35 AM

5 ways to Design an Office in your Home that will inspire Productivity

Jagruti Kothawade, an Interior Designer in Pune has been creating beautiful residential/commercial interior designs for homes and corporate offices for more 

  • 5 ways to Design an Office in your Home that will inspire Productivity

  • One of the biggest challenges of a work from home entrepreneur is to avoid distraction and stay focused on work. The location and the ambiance of your home office plays a big role in helping you to tackle this challenge. How to create that ideal work home office? Here are some tips.

  • 1) Choose a “work only” dedicated area:- You want a place in your house where you can feel professional and be productive. Choose an altogether separate space where you can work without getting distracted. Choose that place in your house which is serene, away from the noisy roadside activities (the buzzing sounds of hawkers etc.) away from the routine household chores of your house. In short, choose an area well divided and set up for work focus!

  • 2) Choose the right location:- Once you choose your work place, make exactly a choice where to work! Choose a table, an ergonomic chair, make sure your chair is adjustable to a certain height so as to provide ample lumbar support. You can also add cushions to make you feel comfortable so that you can work for hours.

  • 3) Create a working atmosphere:- Work should be fun. But sometimes some tricky tasks might create a loss of interest in work and create hopelessness. In order to avoid this situation, try and create a positive atmosphere which generate positive vibes, an inspiration to work. It's recommended to put plants around. Plants signify life. They are a natural air filter and even if they are too small, they do much good in a place which other things in your home office can’t.

  • Make sure that the area you are working in is properly ventilated. Do some art work in vacant spaces in your home office.

  • Work near an area where you can get natural sunlight. Countless studies have been done by scientists and psychologists that natural light improves productivity and mood. Put up quotes or anything (family photographs etc.) that you feel can inspire you.

  • 4) Interior of your home office:- Choose interior of your home office according to your own style:-

  • Covering floors with rugs is advisable. It provides warmth to the atmosphere.

  • Choice of furniture should be a smart one. Place a comfortable sofa so as to make your clients feel comfortable.

  • Paint walls with light colours which creates a perfect working atmosphere.

  • Avoid using dark colours for walls. Light coloured cotton curtains are recommended.

  • Dont use clunky desks. Opt for sturdy shelves to house your computer and keyboard. Reclaim an unused corner by tucking in a simple desk - and - cabinet setup.

  • Set up proper divided cupboards so as to make possible storing of office items (files etc.) separately.

  • Employ proper lightning at the place where you will be working. Also keep a lamp on your table.

  • 5) Important things to be kept in your homeoffice:- Put up a planner or to – do list which acts as a reminder so that none of your important things goes undone. Place a calendar on your desk or on the wall. Don’t forget to keep important items such as penstand, notepad, steppler, printer, scanner etc. around your table. These are the things which are repeatedly used in an office. So better keep these things around you, so that you wont be running around searching for these things!

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