
Select the correct statements

I. Epidermal call have small amount of cytoplasm and a large vacuole

II. Waxy layer cuticle is absent in roots

III. Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs/trichomes are multicellular

IV. Trichomes are branched/unbranched, soft/stiff and secretory or transpiration preventive

V. Guard cells are dum-bell-shaped in dicots and bean-shaped in monocots (e.g., grass)


All except I and II


All except III


All except II and IV


All except IV

Question ID - 2362 | SaraNextGen Top Answer

Select the correct statements

I. Epidermal call have small amount of cytoplasm and a large vacuole

II. Waxy layer cuticle is absent in roots

III. Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs/trichomes are multicellular

IV. Trichomes are branched/unbranched, soft/stiff and secretory or transpiration preventive

V. Guard cells are dum-bell-shaped in dicots and bean-shaped in monocots (e.g., grass)


All except I and II


All except III


All except II and IV


All except IV

1 Answer
127 votes
Answer Key / Explanation : (d) -


All except IV.

Epidermal cells are elongated compactly arranged and form continuous layer called epidermis. Stomata are present in epidermis of leaves and regulate process of transpiration and gaseous exchange. The epidermal hairs, i.e., root hairs, unicellular elongations and trichomes, multicellular elongation of epidermis on root and shoot helps in absorbing water and preventing water loss, respectively.

All of these.

The outside of the epidermis is often covered with waxy thick layer called cuticle, which prevents the loss of water. Cuticle is absent in roots.

In grasses (monocotyledons), the guard cells are dumb-bell shaped and in dicotyledonous (bean, castor, pea), the guard cells are bean or kidney-shaped

127 votes