During unfavourable conditions, slime mould forms …A… which are …B… and survive for many years Identify A and B to complete the given statement |
a) |
A-zoospores; B-round is shape |
b) |
A-endospores; B-hexagonal in shape |
c) |
A-akinetes; B-highly resistant |
d) |
A-spores; B-highly resistant |
During unfavourable conditions, slime mould forms …A… which are …B… and survive for many years Identify A and B to complete the given statement |
a) |
A-zoospores; B-round is shape |
b) |
A-endospores; B-hexagonal in shape |
c) |
A-akinetes; B-highly resistant |
d) |
A-spores; B-highly resistant |
A-spores; B-highly resistant.
Slime mould forms an aggregation called Plasmodium, which may grow and spread over several feets. During unfavourable conditions, the Plasmodium differentiates and forms fruiting bodies bearing spores at their tips. Spores are extremely resistant and survive for many years