
Let ABCD be a parallelogram and ABEF be a rectangle with EF lying along the line C. If AB = 7 cm and BE = 6.5 cm, then the area of parallelogram is  


11.375 cm2


22.75 cm2


45 cm2


45.5 cm2

Question ID - 50157 | SaraNextGen Answer

Let ABCD be a parallelogram and ABEF be a rectangle with EF lying along the line C. If AB = 7 cm and BE = 6.5 cm, then the area of parallelogram is  


11.375 cm2


22.75 cm2


45 cm2


45.5 cm2

1 Answer - 5876 Votes


Answer Key : (d) -

Area of gm ABCD = 7
