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Text Book Back Questions and Answers - Chapter 1 - How the State Government Works - 8th Social Civics Guide Samacheer Kalvi Solutions - Tamil Medium

Updated On 11-02-2025 By Lithanya

Chapter 1 - How the State Government Works - 8th Social Civics Guide Samacheer Kalvi Solutions - Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
The Governor of a state is appointed by -
(a) President
(b) Vice President
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Chief Minister

(a) President

Question 2.
The State Council Minsters is headed by -
(a) The Governor
(b) Chief Minister
(c) Speaker
(d) Home Minister

(b) Chief Minister

Question 3.
Who can summon and prorogue the sessions of the State legislature?
(a) Home Minister
(b) President
(c) Speaker
(d) The Governor

(d) The Governor

Question 4.
Who does not participate in the appointment of the High Court Judge?
(a) Governor
(b) Chief Minister
(c) Chief Justice of the High Court
(d) President of India

(c) Chief Justice of the High Court

Question 5.
The age of retirement of the Judges of the High Court is -
(a) 62
(b) 64
(c) 65
(d) 58

(a) 62
II. Fill in the Blanks
1. ________ States are there in India at present.
2. The tenure of the Governor is normally _____ years.
3. The District Judges are appointed by _______
4. The Governor is the _____ Head of the State.
5. Minimum age for elections as MLA ______ years.

1. 29
2. Five
3. The Governor
4. Constitutional
5. 25
III. Match the following

1. iv
2. ii
3. i
4. iii
IV. State true or false

Question 1.
Chief Minister is the chief administrator of the State.

Question 2.
The Governor nominates two members of the Anglo - Indian Community to Legislative Assembly.
Correct statement:
The Governor nominates one members of the Anglo- Indian Community to Legislative Assembly.

Question 3.
The number of judges in the High Courts is not uniform and fixed.
V. Choose the correct statement

Question 1.
The State Legislative Assembly participates in the election of

(i) President
(ii) Vice - President
(iii) Rajya Sabha members
(iv) Members of the Legislative Council of the State
(a) i, ii \& iii are Correct
(b) i \& iii are Correct
(c) i, iii \& iv are correct
(d) i, ii, iii \& iv are correct

(c) i, iii \& iv are correct
VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences

Question 1.
Name the two houses of the State legislature.
The State Legislature consists of the Governor and one or two houses. The upper house is called the Legislative Council while the lower house is called the Legislative Assembly.

Question 2.
Write the qualifications of the members of the Legislative Assembly?
1. The candidate must be a citizen of India.
2. $\mathrm{He} /$ she must be 25 years and above.
3. The candidate must be of sound mind.
4. $\mathrm{He} /$ she must be an elector for any constituency in the state he is representing from.

Question 3.
How is the Chief Minister appointed?
The Governor appoints the leader of the majority party in the State Legislative Assembly as the Chief Minister. He is the head of the State Council of Ministers.

Question 4.

How is the Council of Ministers formed?
1. The party which gets majority seats in the election forms the government.
2. The leader of the majority party in the election is chosen as Chief Minister.
3. The Chief Minister chooses his ministers from the MLAs of his party.
4. On the advice of the Chief Minister, the Governor appoints the other ministers.
5. Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister form the State Government.
VII. Answer the following in detail

Question 1.

Discuss the powers and functions of the Chief

Powers and functions:
1. The Chief Minister is the chief administrator of the State. All major decisions of the State Government are taken under his leadership.
2. The Chief Minister plays an important role in the formation of the Council of Ministers. On the advice of the Chief Minister, the Governor appoints the other Ministers.

3. The Chief Minister supervises the activities of different ministries and advises them accordingly. He also coordinates the activities of different ministries.
4. The Chief Minister plays an important role in making policies of the State Government ensuring public interest. His voice is final in policy decisions of the State Government.
5. The Governor appoints different higher officials of the State Government on the advice of the Chief Minister and his Council of Ministers.

Question 2.
Discuss the powers and functions of the Legislative Assembly.
The main duty of the Legislative Assembly is to make laws for the state. It can make law on the subjects mentioned in the state list and the concurrent list. However, during state emergency, it cannot exercise its legislative power.
1. The assembly has control over the State council of Ministers. The State council of ministers are responsible or answerable to the Assembly for its activities. The Assembly may pass a no confidence motion against the council of Ministers if it is not satisfied with the performance of the council of Ministers.
2. The legislative Assembly has control over the finances of the state. A money bill can be introduced only in the Assembly. The government cannot impose, increase, lower or withdraw any tax without the approval of the Assembly.
3. The elected members of the Legislative Assembly can take part in the election of the president of India and all members can take part in the election of the members of the Rajya Sabha from the state.
4. The Assembly also takes part in the amendment of the Constitution on certain matters.
5. So the government has three basic functions: making laws, executing laws and ensuring justice.

Question 3.
Write about the powers and functions of the High Court.
1. The High Court has been empowered to issue writs of Habeas corpus, Mandamus,

Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo Warranto for the enforcement of the fundamental rights and for other purposes.
2. Every High Court has a general power of superintendence over all the lower courts and tribunals within its jurisdiction.
3. If a case is pending before a sub - ordinate court and the High Court is satisfied that it involves a substantial question of the constitutional law, it can take up the case and decide it itself.
4. The High Court controls all the subordinate courts in the State.
5. Like the Supreme Court, the High Court also acts as a Court of Record.

Additional Questions
I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.

The __________ is an integral part of the state Legislature.
(a) Governor
(b) President
(c) Vice - President
(d) Chief Justice

(a) Governor

Question 2.
Before the expiry of the full term of the Governor, the _______ can dismiss him.
(a) Chief Minister
(b) Vice - president
(c) President
(d) Speaker

(c) Presiden

Question 3.
To be the Governor, a person must have completed ________ years of age.
(a) 25

(b) 35
(c) 21
(d) 40

(a) 35

Question 4.
The position of the Governor of a state is compared to the _______ of India.
(a) Chief Justice
(b) Lok Sabha speaker
(c) Attorney General
(d) President

(d) President

Question 5.
The president declares emergency in a state on the basis of the report of the ________
(a) Chief Minister
(b) Governor
(c) Speaker
(d) Opposition party leader

(b) Governor

Question 6.
As per our constitution, the strength of the Legislative council must not be less than ___________
(a) 25
(b) 30
(c) 40

(d) 35

(c) 40

Question 7.
The members of the legislative council are elected for a term of _________ years.
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 2
(d) 4

(a) 6

Question 8.
One legislative constituency may have ______ or even more people.
(a) 1 lakh
(b) 10 thousand
(c) 20 thousand
(d) 50 thousand

(a) 1 lakh

Question 9.
The Governor can nominate ________ member from the Anglo - Indian community to the Legislative Assembly.
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1


(d) 1

Question 10.
The Legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu located at
(a) Madurai
(b) Salem
(c) Chennai
(d) Coimbatore

(c) Chennai
II. Fill in the blanks
1. The states have their own executive, _____ and ________
2. A Person is not appointed ______ in his own state.
3. The _______ acts as an agent of the Central Government in a state.
4. The _______________ remains in office so long as he gets support of the majority members of the Legislative Assembly.
5. The members of the ______ are elected indirectly.
6. At present, only ________ states in India have Legislative Council in their legislative.
7. _________ of the members of the Legislative Council retire every two years.
8. The ________ is the presiding officer of the Legislative Council.
9. The people who make the laws of a state Government are called ________
10. Different _______ compete in the elections to the legislative Assembly.

1. Legislative, Judiciary
2. Governor

3. Governor
4. Chief Minister
5. Legislative council
6. Seven
7. One - third
8. Chairman
9. Members of the Legislative Assembly
10. Political parties
III. Match the following

1. iii
2. i
3. iv
4. ii
IV. True or False

Question 1.
The Governor must give his assent to all the bills passed in the legislature

Question 2.
The Chief Minister is responsible for maintaining relationship between the central Government and the state Government.
Correct statement:
The Governor is responsible for maintaining relationship between the central Government and the state Government.

Question 3.
For the election of MLAs the entire state is divided into different constituencies.


Question 4.
There may be a common High Court only for 2 states.

Correct statement:
There may be a common High Court for two or more states and Union Territories.
V. Choose the correct statement

Question 1.
(i) A Legislative Assembly cannot have more than 500 members.
(ii) Some seats in the Legislative Assembly are reserved for scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes.
(iii) The meetings of the Assembly are presided by the chief minister.
(iv) People who have completed 21 years of age can cast their vote in the elections.
(a) i and ii are correct
(b) ii, iii and iv are correct
(c) i and iii are correct
(d) i, ii and iv are correct

(d) i, ii and iv are correct
VI. Answer in one or two sentences

Question 1.
How is the Governor appointed?
While appointing the Governor, the President acts as per the advice of the Union Cabinet. The State Government is also consulted when the appointment is to be made. Generally, a person is not appointed Governor in his own State.

Question 2.
What does the state executive consist of?
The state executive consists of the Governor and the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister.

Question 3.
Write short notes on the Governor of a state.

The Governor as the Head of a State in India. He is appointed by the President of India. $\mathrm{He}$ is the constitutional Head of a State. The Governor is appointed for a term of five years.

Question 4.
How long can the Chief Minister remain in office?
The Chief Minister has no fixed term of office. He remains in office so long as he gets support of the majority members of the Legislative Assembly. When he loses support in the legislature, he has to resign.

Question 5.
How are the members of the legislative council elected?
1. The members of the Legislative Council are elected indirectly.
2. One third of its members are elected by the local government bodies like the District Panchayat and Municipalities.
3. Another one third is elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly.
4. One twelfth is elected by the graduates of the constituency and another one twelfth by the teachers of secondary schools, colleges and universities.
5. One sixth of the members of the Legislative Council are nominated by the Governor of the State.

Question 6.
Name the states in India which have Legislative council.
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Jammu \& Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh and Telengana.

Question 7.
How is the capital of a state determined?
The place where a state's legislative assembly is located and where its council of ministers function is called the capital of that state.

Question 8.
How are the laws of the state Government executed?

The state government has several lakhs of government employees to execute the laws made by the legislative assembly- Collectors, Tahsildars, Block Development Officers,

Revenue officers, Village Administrative Officers, Policemen, Teachers and Doctors, etc.
VII. Answer in Detail

Question 1.
Discuss the powers and functions of the Governor.
Powers and functions
1. The Governor is the Chief Executive in a State. All the executive powers of the State are vested upon him and decisions are taken in his name. He appoints the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers.
2. He makes some important appointments such as, the Advocate general, Chairman and members of the State Public Service Commission and others.
3. The Governor also acts as the Chancellor of State Universities.
4. He summons and prorogues the sessions of the State legislature and he can dissolve the Legislative Assembly.
5. Money bills can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly only with the approval of the Governor.
6. The annual budget of the State Government is laid before the legislature with approval of the Governor. The Contingency fund of the State is also placed at the disposal of the Governor.

Question 2.
How are laws made in the state Government?
In the legislative assembly meetings, MLAs discuss a number of topics like public works, education, law and order and various problems faced by the state. The MLAs can ask questions to know the activities of ministries, which the concerned ministers have to answer. The legislative assembly makes laws on certain issues. The process of law making as follows:
1. A Bill is presented in the Legislative Assembly.
2. Debates and discussions take place on it. Changes can be made in the Bill.
3. If more that half of the MLA's vote in favour of the Bill, it is said to be passed.
4. The Bill needs to get assent of the Governor to become an Act.