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Text Book Back Questions and Answers - Chapter 1 - Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - 9th English Poem Guide Samacheer Kalvi Solutions

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Solutions Poem 1 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Ch 8 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

B. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two.

1. He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

Question (a).
Who does ‘he’ refer to?
He refers to the owner of the forest.

Question (b).
Identify the season with these lines
It is the winter season.

2. My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near

Question (a).
Who is the speaker?
The poet is the speaker.

Question (b).
Why should the horse think it queer?
The horse thought it queer because there was no farmhouse near,

Question (c).
Pick out the rhyming words:
The rhyming words are: “queer, near”

3. He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.

Question (a).
Whom does ‘he’ refer to in these lines?
He refers to the horse.

Question (b).
Why does he give his harness bells a shake?
He gives his harness bells a shake to ask the master if there is some mistake.

Question (c).
How does the horse communicate with the poet?
The horse communicates with the sound of the harness bells.

4. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep

Question (a).
How are the woods?
The wood are lovely, dark and deep.

Question (b).
Who does T refer to?
T refers to the poet.

Question (c).
What are the promises the speaker is talking about?
The poet is talking about his commitments in life.

5. And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Question (a).
Why has the poet repeated the last line?
The poet has repeated the last line to show the regrets that he is unable to enjoy the beauty of the forest filled with sno w.

Question (b).
Explain: miles to go before I sleep
The poet reminds himself of his duties he has to do before he goes to sleep. Sleep symbolizes daily sleep and eternal sleep which is death.

C. Complete the summary of the poem by filling in the blanks.

After a long travel, the poet entered a (1) ………. He wondered to whom the wood (2)……….. He realized that the owner of the wood lived in a (3)………. He was happy that the owner would not be able to (4)………. him stopping in his woods to watch (5)………. fill the woods. The poet felt that the horse would think it very (6)………. to stop near the woods as he had never (7)……….. He was actually standing between the woods and (8)……….. The time was (9)………. The horse indicated that the poet had made a (10)………….. by shaking its head, The poet felt that the woods are lovely, (11)………. and (12)………. He suddenly realized that he had worldly (13)………. which would not allow him to (14)………. in the woods for a long time.

  1. forest
  2. belongs to
  3. village
  4. see
  5. how the snow would
  6. strange
  7. stopped there
  8.  lake
  9. evening
  10. mistake
  11. dark
  12. deep
  13. duties
  14. stay

D. Answer the questions in two or three sentences.

Question 1.
What information does the poet highlight about the seasons and the time of the day in the poem?
The darkest evening of the year refers to December 21, the longest night of the year, when there is biting cold. The winter season had its spell on Nature. By using the symbol of darkness in the second stanza, the poet brings forth a sense of sadness and peace.

Question 2.
In which way is the reaction of the speaker different from that of the horse? what does it convey?
The poet is compelled to stop to stare at the beauty of the woods. The horse is thinking it queer to stop by the forest before reaching the farmhouse. It conveys contradictory ideas over a certain action.

Question 3.
What are the sounds heard by the poet?
Shaking of harness bells and the sound of the wind is heard by the poet.

Question 4.
The poet is aware of two choices, what are they? what choice does he make ultimately?
Hie poet can wait and watch the lovely woods or he can go home and attend to the important business. His ultimate choice was to go a long way and reach home.

Question 5.
Pick out words from the poem that brings to mind peace and quiet.
Pick out words from the poem that brings to mind peace and quiet. Some words that bring to mind peace and quiet are: deep; easy wind; woods; snow; frozen lake; And miles to go before I sleep.

E. Identify the rhymes scheme used in each stanza. One example has been done for you.


  1. aaba
  2. aaba(bbcb)
  3. aaba (cede)
  4. aaaa (dddd)

F. Complete the table by identifying lines, against the poetic devices front the poem. One example is done for you.



G. Answer the following questions in a paragraph about 80-100 words.

Question 1.
It is said that ’’the choices made by one, shape one’s destiny” Ponder on the thought and write a paragraph.
The choices made by one, shape one’s destiny. This is the theme of the poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost. The biggest choice that he wrestles with is whether to return to the warmth and safety of the village or to stay and watch the woods fill up with snow. The poet finds it hard to decide. He ultimately decides to return home, but it seems to take all of his will power.

H. Work in. pairs and discuss the factors that contribute towards making a choice and make a presentation to the class.

No one on this earth is without a choice, choice is an ambition in life. Everyone wants to become; somebody, Everyone wants to do something new in life. Each one wants to do different things. Each one is unique. Each choice demands a lot from the choice maker. In order to become an engineer or a scientist or doctor or sportsman or lawyer, one must choose his subject matching with the

This is the first level in career choice. Once the studies are over, then comes the choice of a career. For everything, education is the basic thing except a few. whatever we desire or aim to do becomes true in our life. Destiny or fate is shaped by every individual’s choice. One who wants to be a sports person like Sachin or Srikkanth must work towards it. One who wants to be a doctor or a scientist.