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Text Book Back Questions and Answers - Chapter 2 - Water - Term 2 - 5th Science Guide Samacheer Kalvi Solutions

Updated On 11-02-2025 By Lithanya

Chapter 2 - Water - Term 2 - 5th Science Guide Samacheer Kalvi Solutions

Text Book Back Questions and Answers
I. Choose the correct answers:
Question $1 .$

Which of the following microorganisms causes waterborne diseases?
a) Bacteria
b) Virus
c) Protozoa
d) All
(d) All

Question $2 .$
Water is present in huge quantities as vapor and clouds in the
a) sky
b) earth
c) atmosphere
d) rain
(c) Atmosphere

Question $3 .$

________water is free from suspended impurities.
a) Sea

b) Well
c) River
d) Underground
(d) Underground

Question $4 .$

________of water is in oceans and seas.
a) $97 \%$
b) $87 \%$
c) $47 \%$
d) $77 \%$
(a) $97 \%$

Question $5 .$
________is an artificial process of converting seawater into freshwater.
a) Distillation
b) Decantation
c) Reverse Osmosis
d) Desalination
(d) Desalination


II. Fill in the blanks:
Question $1 .$

The accumulated underground water comes out in the form of
A Spring

Question $2 .$
The process of changing water into water vapor by the heat of the Sun is called

Question $3 .$
Rainwater forms streams and_________ which join together to form rivers.


Question $4 .$
The process of collecting and storing rainwater is called
Rainwater harvesting

Question $5 .$
Cholera is caused by
Bacteria (Vibrio Cholerae)

III. Match the following:



IV. Answer briefly:
Question 1.

Write down the sources of water. Answer:
- River water and lake water
- Seawater
- Well water
- Springwater
- Underground water


Question $2 .$
What is desalination?
Desalination is an artificial process of converting saline water (seawater) into freshwater.

Question $3 .$
What are the processes involved in the water cycle?
Water cycle consists of the following four processes:
- Evaporation
- Condensation
- Precipitation
- Flowing back to oceans.

Question $4 .$
What are reservoirs?
A reservoir is an artificial/man-made lake, where water is stored. Most reservoirs are formed by constructing dams across rivers. A reservoir can also be formed from a natural lake.

Question $5 .$
How can we prevent dengue fever?
We can prevent dengue fever by the following steps:
- Spray the house with anti-mosquito spray.
- Try to wear clothes that cover skin areas.
- Close the doors and windows during early morning and evening.
- Do not leave stagnant water lying anywhere in and around the house.


V. Answer in detail:
Question $1 .$

Write the advantages of rainwater harvesting.

- Rainwater harvesting can reduce flooding in the cities.
- Rainwater harvesting can reduce top soil loss.
- Groundwater level can be increased.
- Groundwater can be conserved.
- It can improve plant growth.


Question $2 .$
How can we prevent waterborne diseases?
- Good personal hygiene should be practiced and basic sanitation should be improved.
- Chlorinated and boiled water should be used for drinking.
- Drink boiled or pasteurized milk.
- Dispose of infectious wastes properly.

Additional Questions and Answers
I. Choose the correct answer:
Question $1 .$

The origin of river is
(a) plains
(b) mountains
(c) valley
(d) ocean
(b) Mountains


Question $2 .$
_______is called saline water.
(a) Seawater
(b) River water
(c) Well water
(d) Underground water
(a) Seawater

Question $3 .$
______of the world population does not get safe drinking water.
(a) $24 \%$
(b) $25 \%$
(c) $26 \%$
(d) $27 \%$
(b) $25 \%$


Question $4 .$
_________million people die worldwide every year due to diarrhoeal diseases.
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(c) 3

II. Fill in the blanks:
Question $1 .$

________of the total freshwater is frozen as ice caps and glaciers.
$68.7 \%$

Question $2 .$
Agriculture consumes around _________of the available freshwater.
$70 \%$

Question $3 .$
March 22 ispbserved as
World Water Day

Question $4 .$
Contamination of water bodies by human activities is called pollution.


Question $5 .$
_________mosquitoes also transmit chikungunya and yellow fever.

III. Match the following:



IV. Answer briefly:
Question 1.

Why is underground water free from suspended Impurities?
Underground water is free from suspended impurities because it is filtered by nature, as it passes through several layers of the soil.

Question $2 .$
What are balls of ice?
In freezing conditions, water falling from the sky becomes snow or hail. Hailstones are balls of ice.

Question $3 .$
Define - Freshwater.
Water which is obtained naturally from ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and underground are called freshwater.


Question $4 .$
Write the advantages of Wastewater treatment.
- Waste water treatment ensures that the environment is clean.
- There is no water pollution.
- It prevents waterborne diseases.
- It ensures that there is adequate water for irrigation.

Question 5 .
What are the major sources of Water pollution?
The major sources of water pollution are industrial waste, sewage, domestic waste, chemical fertilizers and insecticides, synthetic detergents, and oil spills.

Question $6 .$
Name the Causative Agents and write the Symptoms for Dengue Fever and Sine Flu.

- Dengue fever:- Virus (Flavi Virus) - High fever, Severe headache, Muscle and joint pain, Vomiting with blood, and Stomach pain.
- Swine Flue:- Virus (Influenza) - Infection in respiratory tracks, Indigestion, Nasal secretions.


V. Answer In detail:
Question 1.

Write a short note on Farm Ponds.
- A farm pond is a structure dugout on the Earth. It is usually square or rectangular in shape.
- Rainwater is stored in it for irrigation purposes. It is surrounded by a small bund, which prevents erosion on the banks of the pond.
- The size and depth of the pond depending on the type of the soil, water requirements of the farmer, its uses, and the cost of excavation.
- Water is conveyed to the fields manually, by pumping, or by both.

Question $2 .$
write the names of Causative Agents and the symptoms for waterborne diseases.


Question $3 .$
How is Dengue fever spread? What are the symptoms?
Dengue is a viral disease spread by Aedes female mosquitoes that bite during day time. They breed in stagnant water found in containers and old tyres.
- Symptoms may include high fever, severe headache, muscle, and joint pain, and a characteristic skin rash.
- Symptoms of dengue fever typically begin three to fourteen days after infection.
- Deficiency of platelets in blood.
- Intense stomach pain.
- Regular vomiting with blood.