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What is the syllabus? - Petroleum Engineering

The syllabus for UG Petroleum Engineering is:

 Semester I

Mathematics I


Engineering Mechanics

Basic Electrical Engineering

Introduction to Computing

Physics Lab

Engineering Drawing

Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) elective such as Business Communication I


 Semester II

Mathematics II


Engineering Thermodynamics

Basic Electronics Engineering

Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithm

Chemistry Lab

Workshop Lab

Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) elective such as Business Communication II


 Semester III

Mechanical Engineering - I

Methods of Applied Mathematics - I

Geology for Petroleum Engineers

Drilling Fluids and Cement

Drilling Technology

Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Elective such as Organizational Behavior

Petroleum Engineering Practical - I

Geology for Petroleum Engineers Practical Lab


 Semester IV

Mechanical Engineering - II

Numerical and Statistical Methods

Petroleum Production Operations - I

Elements of Reservoir Engineering

Managerial Economics

Surveying Theory

Petroleum Engineering Practical - II

Surveying Practical Lab


 Semester V

Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering and Management

Petroleum Production Operations - II

Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology

Methods of Applied Mathematics - II

Petroleum Engineering Practical - III (Production & Product Testing Lab)

Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology Practical

Project and Term Paper


 Semester VI

Directional Drilling

Petroleum Formation Evaluation

Advanced Numerical Methods

Applied Electrical Engineering

Petroleum Engineering Practical - IV

Composite Viva Voce

Project & Term Paper


 Semester VII

Oil and Gas Well Testing

Offshore Drilling and Petroleum Production Practices

Health Safety and Environment in Petroleum Industry

Industrial Engg. and Management

Elective Paper - 1

Petroleum Exploration - Geophysical Methods

Petroleum Engineering Projects

Vocational Training Electives (Any One)

Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum and Petroleum Products

Well Performance and Intervention

Drilling System Design


 Semester VIII

Petroleum Engineering Design

Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

Reservoir Modelling and Simulation

Pipeline Engineering

Elective Paper

Oil and Gas Marketing and Resource Management

Petroleum Engg. Projects and Seminar

Composite Viva Voce

Electives (Any One)

Oil and Gas Processing System Design

Coal Bed Methane, Gas Hydrates & Shale Gas/ Oil

Advanced Offshore Engineering

Deep-Sea Production System