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Page No 146: - Chapter 14 - Water - Ncert Solutions class 6 - Science

Question 4:

Suppose you want to dry your school uniform quickly. Would spreading it near an anghiti or heater help? If yes, how?


Yes, spreading of clothes near an angithi or a heater would help dry the clothes quicker. This is because heat generated from an angithi or a heater causes the water to evaporate at a faster rate.

Question 5:

Take out a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator and keep it on the table. After some time, you will notice a puddle of water around it. Why?


This is because water vapour near the cold bottle collides with it, becomes cool, and condenses into water droplets. These water droplets collect and form a puddle of water around the bottle.

Question 6:

To clean their spectacles, people often breathe out on glasses to make them wet. Explain why the glasses become wet.


During exhalation (or breathing out), carbon dioxide is released along with water vapours. If one breathes out onto glass, the released water vapours collide with the surface of the glass, thereby making it cooler. As a result, the water vapours present in the air surrounding the glass condense and get attached to the glass surface. Consequently, the glass becomes wet.

Question 7:

How are clouds formed?


Clouds are formed by the process of evaporation and condensation. Water from the oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, plants, fields, and other land surfaces evaporates, gets into air, and rises up in the atmosphere. At a certain height when the air becomes cooler, water vapour contained in air condenses. On condensation, these form water droplets. These water droplets collect and float in air as clouds.

Question 8:

When does a drought occur?


A drought occurs if there is no rainfall for a long time. Usually, water lost by soil due to evaporation is retuned to it by rains. But no rainfall occurs for a long time, it leads to a decrease in the water level of various ponds and wells. This leads to the condition of drought.