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What is the syllabus? - Bsc Genetics

The syllabus is:

Semester 1

Semester 2

Scope of Genetics

History of Genetics


Law of Segregation

Model Organisms

Elements of Biometry

UltraStructure of cells and cells organelles

Multiple Alleles

Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Gene Interactions

Practical 1

Sex Determination

Law of Independent Assortment


Biography of Mendel


Semester 3

Semester 4

Culturing and Handling of Drosophila

Nucleic Acids

Study of types of Drosophila

Chemical Basis of Heredity

Genetic Problem of linkage and crossing over

DNA Replication

Study of chromosomes

Gene Expression

Drosophila melanogaster

Genome Organization

Salivary Gland Chromosome

Introduction to Genomics and Proteomics



Bacterial Genetics


Transposable Elements


Semester 5

Semester 6

Introduction to RDT

Development Genetics

Tools of RDT

Evolutionary Genetics

Techniques of RDT

Population Genetics

Isolation of Gene

Biometrical Genetics

Direct gene transfer method


Selection and screening of Recombinant

