What is the syllabus in BSc Computer Science? - Bsc Computer Science
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The syllabus is:
Subject |
Topics Covered |
Introduction to Computers |
Evolution of Computers, Generation of Computers, Classification of Computers Analog Digital and Hybrid Computers, Classification of Computers according to size, Super Computers, Mainframe Computers, Personal Computers (Different Types) and Terminals (Different Types), Characteristics of Computers, Block Diagram of a Digital Computer, types of OS. |
Input / Output Devices |
Input Devices-Keyboard, Mouse, Output Devices – VDU, Printers. Internet, Multimedia, Computer viruses |
Introduction to Programming Concepts |
Types of Programming Languages, software, Classification of software, Application software and System Software, Structured Programming, Algorithms and Flowcharts with Examples |
Introduction to Number system and codes |
Different number systems and their conversions (Decimal, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal), 1’s Complement and 2’s complement, Floating Point numbers, Coding – BCD, Gray, ASCII |
Disk Operating System |
Introduction to DOS Commands. Types of DOS Commands Wild Card Character in DOS Directory Related Commands. File Related Commands and Utilities. Filters & Redirection, Batch file. |
Introduction of Windows, Features, Application |
MS Windows, and its various elements of application windows title bar, menu bar, maximise and close buttons, borders and corners, scroll bars, windows icon, folder icons, dialogue box, and its items, starting Microsoft windows, searching the files, copying the files, disk cleanup, deleting unnecessary files |
Introduction to C |
History of C, Structure of a C program. The C character set, Constants, Variables, and keywords, Datatype. Types of constants and variables. Type declaration and arithmetic instructions, Operators in C, Hierarchy of operators, control instructions, InputOutput statements in C (Formatted and Unformatted) |
Control Structures |
Decision control structures, logical operators, conditional operator, and relational operators. Loop control structures –while, do-while, for loop, Break statement, Continue statement, switch-case control structure, goto statement Bitwise operators Bitwise AND, OR, exclusive OR, compliment, right shift and left shift operators |
Arrays |
One dimensional and multidimensional array, declaration, initialisation, and array Manipulations, sorting (Bubble sort) Strings – Basic Concepts, Library Functions. |
Functions |
Definition, function definition, and prototyping, types of functions, type of arguments, Recursion, passing arrays to functions, storage class in C-automatic, register, external and static variables. |