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What is the syllabus? - CS (Company Secretary)

The syllabus for foundation course of CS:

English and Business Communication (FCEBC)

Basic Economics and Business Environment (FCBE-BE)

Financial Accounting (FCFA)

Elements of Business Laws and Management

Information Systems and Quantitative Techniques (FCISQT)


The syllabus for intermediate course of CS:

Group I

Company Accounts and Cost & Management Accounting (ICA & CMA)

General Laws and Commercial Laws (IGCL)

Management of Information Systems and Corporate Communication (IMIS & CC)

Tax Laws (ITL)

Group II

Company Law (ICL)

Company Secretarial Practice (ICSP)

Economic, Labour and Industrial Laws (IELIL)

Securities Laws and Regulation of Financial Markets (ISL & RFM)


The syllabus for final course of CS:

Group I

Advanced Company Law and Practice (FACLP)

Secretarial Management and Systems Audit (FSMSA)

Secretarial Practice relating to Economic Laws and Drafting and Conveyancing (FSPELDC)

Group II

Banking and Insurance-Law and Practice (FBILP)

Corporate Restructuring-Law and Practice (FCRLP)

Financial, Treasury and Forex Management (FFTFM)

Group III

Direct and Indirect Taxation-Law and Practice (FDITLP)

Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations (FHRMIR)

World Trade Organization-International Trade, Joint Ventures and Foreign Collaborations (FWTO)